It has been a while since I last posted on this site. The reason being is, as tempting as it was to come charging out of the gates with both barrels blazing, I decided to take a step back, observe, and see how things would unfold. I watched as the enthusiasm around NESARA GESARA rose and fell like the tides. And many people’s excitement waned, morphing into frustration, disappointment, disillusionment, and a loss of hope. This was especially so for many of those who had not grasped the magnitude of what is going on here. Or the many who think that the elements encompassed within this benevolent plan, are simply too good to be true.
Yet, while there are still those who believe with all their hearts that NESARA GESARA is being rolled out around the world as we speak, impatience is definitely running high. So high in fact that if these challenging times had a theme song, it would have to be the popular rugby song which is often sung at matches, called Why Are We Waiting? I’ve embedded a YouTube video on this page so that you can listen and sing along. Don’t worry, it is a clean version and not one of the more colourful ones you might hear at at a game or in a good old fashioned sing-a-long in a pub.
All fun aside though, and after writing two books on the subject – Choose Freedom by Living The NESARA GESARA Life, and NESARA GESARA and The Great Spiritual Reset, I decided that I would launch an online global community called Living The NESARA GESARA Life. My hope being to raise awareness about this benevolent plan from a more wholistic point of view. Share ideas about how to implement the various elements of this plan into our own lives, homes and communities. And to also initiate a few Humanitarian Projects that we can all put our hearts and souls into if we so choose. All while working towards bringing people together, uniting humanity, and working on some common goals so that we start to embody and put into practice the idea of living The NESARA GESARA Life.
Sing-a-long to Why Are We Waiting? A Great Theme Song For Our Current Times
I’d like to begin by reminding you how we as humans have a tendency to either think of the BIG Picture, and may be considered a BIG Picture thinker, or we may prefer to break that picture or idea down in smaller chunks, and therefore focus on the smaller bite size pieces. Either way is perfectly fine as long as you remember to keep an eye on the other end of the spectrum. Meaning that if you are specifically interested in the monetary aspect of this Divine Plan, and nothing appears to be happening with that you could end up feeling very disappointed. On the other hand, if you look at the bigger picture you may well see that there is a lot more going on.
In saying that, the real reason I brought this up now is because, I feel it is important to know that as grandiose of an idea that NESARA GESARA is, it is only one part of what is really going on here. And so as I mentioned earlier I want to encourage you to look at the Bigger picture, and to see this benevolent plan from a more whole-istic. point of view.
In saying that, rather that listing off the many elements of NESARA GESARA here, I like to think of it in the following manner. NESARA GESARA is a benevolent plan being rolled out around the world to help liberate our beautiful planet, along with all her inhabitants. It is a part of The Grand Master Plan. Albeit, The Grand Master Cosmit Plan…at that!
However, in order to truly see the BIG Picture here, we would have to take into consideration the timing that all of this is happening. And when I say all of this, I am referring to the fact that we are transitioning from one age into another, and ultimately towards The Golden Age – hence NESARA GESARA. We are living through the end of an evolutionary cycle, attempting to navigate parallel worlds, realities or timelines. And assisting our beautiful Mother Earth with her Spiritual Ascension.
As if all that was not enough, we are also trying to wade through the Full Disclosure Event, hence the Fake News and Informational Warfare. And grappling with The Great Awakening, which is a Spiritual Awakening for many – which is why we have been harassed with the Spiritual Warfare. Or a Rude Awakening for those who refuse to wake up, or be taken off LIE SUPPORT.
There is a very good reason that the times we are living in are often called BIBLICAL! And as I have mentioned before, this Divine Plan which is all unfolding in Divine Timing appears to be happening in accordance with the resurrection of Christ Consciousness, or Unity Consciousness, and The Messianic Return of Christ/King Arthur – The Once & Future King, and many other Ascended Masters. Spiritual, Biblical, Divine, all of this appears to be in alignment with the fulfillment of The SARA Prophecies, and the promise that The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.
In saying that… the reason I want to share all this with you now, is to inspire you to really think about the shift we are making as a collective race of humans. And to ask you to be mindful not get caught up in just the monetary or material aspects of NESARA GESARA, nor the idea that we shall inherit the Earth as in to own it. More so, to focus your attention on the spiritual aspects of this Divine plan. Oh and by the way, if you need more proof then go back to look at the last Q post which says Ascension!
If you weren’t overwhelmed before, then you probably are now, but hopefully you can see how exciting this is, or at least for those who understand what is going on.